Leslie Means
Independent Facilitator for EMC²
(303) 868-9591
Our journey to discovering Energetic Balancing, like so many others, began with Wayne Dyer. We invited him to speak at our church in August of 2000. It was during that time that Wayne first began promoting Sanctuary, The Path to Consciousness. We had the opportunity to spend many personal hours with Wayne and during that time he highly suggested we enroll in the AIM Program. Taking his advice we sent an application in for our oldest son first, and were surprised and delighted to be informed that Wayne Dyer was sponsoring Zac to the Program for a year. That got our attention and we journeyed out to EMC², met with Stephen Lewis, enrolled in the AIM Program and the rest is history.

Our positive self-healing results with the AIM Program of Energetic Balancing led to our interest in facilitating and we've been doing that since 2001. We have traveled all over the country holding AIM presentations from Washington State to Florida, Ohio to Arizona and places in-between! Our ministry is filled with many delightful people from this country and around the world, including Thailand, Puerto Rico, Australia and Nigeria! AIM is a world-wide revolution and you're invited!

Merle's background includes two degrees, one in Comparative Religion and one in Anthropology, as well as being an ordained Religious Science Minister since 1982. Leslie has a degree in Education and Environmental Science and has been interested in the holistic health field since 1980. We have always had an interest in being on the leading edge of spiritual technology!

Taking personal responsibility is the most important step that anyone can take in creating a healthy and happy life. AIM is a giant leap in the direction of Self-responsibility. The increase in your Life Force and Consciousness will change your vibration and thereby change that which you attract into your life, resulting in a better life experience of health, wealth and joy! And isn't that what you are here to experience?

Nothing is more important than that you feel good!

As your AIM Facilitators, we are here to empower and assist you in understanding the concepts and principles of the AIM Program of Energetic Balancing. It is our job to support you and do our best to answer your questions. We are happy to phone you and talk about your experiences as they unfold for you.

Knowing that All is Well & Remembering to have Fun!

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